Let us know how we can help

Support Central

The place where you find quick answers or get in touch with us for sales, account or tech support questions.

The fastest way to get support

Knowledge base

99% of the time, our OceanWP Knowledge Base has the answer you're looking for. So the absolutely best way to get immediate support is to go over our vast documentation first. If you're unable to find a solution, you can always get in touch with us using any of the options below.

Most popular support questions

You can count on us

Free support

We're actively supporting all our users and at all times.

When to use the following support options:

Facebook Community

Join the Official OceanWP Community on Facebook. Be up to speed with the latest news, learn from others or receive support from our official team.

WordPress Forum

Submit a thread on the WordPress Forum. Note, general WordPress Forum rules apply. You can receive help only for free products.

We look forward to helping you

Customer support

Area for clients with active premium licenses.

Freemius Dashboard

New clients and OceanWP veteran users with migrated licenses (veteran users will understand what this means) can submit a ticket directly through their customer account using our licensing services provider (Freemius) dashboard.

OceanWP Dashboard

Old clients with non-migrated licenses, as well as new clients who have registered a user account on our website using the same email address they used for the customer account, can submit a ticket using the OceanWP dashboard.

Template Installation

Clients can receive a special service from us: a Full Site Template Installation service from our tech team during an online meeting. Book your session with our team at least 48h in advance and let us help you get started.


Priority support

For users who have purchased an extra Priority Support membership or clients who applied for the OceanWP Bonus.

Priority Support

For all free and premium users who have purchased our additional Priority Support membership service.

Premium Support

For OceanWP premium license owners who have applied for the OceanWP bonus in accordance with their plans.

VIP Support

For OceanWP premium license owners who have applied for the OceanWP bonus in accordance with their plans.

Future clients area

OceanWP sales team

When to use this support option:

Prepurchase support

Thinking about getting OceanWP Pro Bundle or Ocean eCommerce Pro but have some additional questions? We're here to help.